PhD student |
Theme of PhD thesis |
Scientific speciality |
Scientific supervisor / scientific consultant |
The year (from the study) |
Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds from the caran series |
143.01. Organic chemistry | Fliur MACAEV, dr. habilitate, prof. |
01.11.22 - 01.11.25 |
Physico-chemical and technological study of complex heterogeneous processes of nitrogen compounds in biological treatment plants in the Republic of Moldova |
145.01. Ecological chemistry | Igor POVAR, dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. |
01.11.22 - 01.11.26 |
Application of radical carboazidation reactions to expand the structural diversity of biologically active terpene compounds |
143.04. Bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds |
Veaceslav KULCITKI, dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. |
01.11.21 - 01.11.24 |
Corina TASCA |
Study of oxidation-reduction processes in anaerobic fermentation of biomass in the presence of antioxidants
145.01. Ecological chemistry |
Gheorghe DUCA, Rodica STURZA, |
01.11.20- 01.11.24 |
Violeta POPESCU |
Chromatographic and spectral analysis, testing of biological activity and use of products obtained from hetero-oil and aromatic plant species |
143.04. Bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds |
Alexandru CIOCARLAN, dr., assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU, |
01.11.19- 01.11.23 |
Ecovaleological training of the young generation in solving ecological problems |
145.01. Ecological chemistry | Gheorghe DUCA, acad., dr. habilitate, prof. | 01.11.18 - 01.11.22 | |
Synthesis of substituted dihydropyrimidine-5-carboxylates |
143.01. Organic chemistry |
Fliur MACAEV, |
01.11.18 - 01.11.21 |
Synthesis, study of properties and molecular architecture of coordination compounds of "s" and "d" metals with polyfunctional ligands |
141.01. Inorganic chemistry |
Ion BULHAC, Pavlina BOUROS, |
01.11.18- 01.11.22 |
Ilker OZER |
Directed synthesis of biologically active derivatives based on accessible di- and triterpene compounds |
143.04. Chimie bioorganică, chimie a compuşilor naturali şi fiziologic activi |
Alexandru CIOCARLAN, Aculina ARICU, |
01.11.17 - 01.11.21 |
Alexei MANDRU |
3d, 4f and 3d-4f metal clusters with salicylic aldehyde derivatives |
141.01. Inorganic chemistry | Diana DRAGANCEA, dr., assoc. prof. |
01.11.17 - 01.11.21 |
Timur ANDRUSENCO | Synthesis of polyfunctional naphthoquinones in Juglone | 143.01. Organic chemistry | Fliur MACAEV, dr. habilitate, prof. |
01.11.16 - (academic vocation) |
Natalia TALMACI |
Synthesis and study of some 3d metals complexes with symmetric dithopic ligands based on (thio)carbohydrazide |
141.01. Inorganic chemistry |
01.11.14 - 01.11.21 |