Academician Iurie Lealicov

(April 2, 1909, Ekaterinoslav, Russian Empire
(presently the sity of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) –
October 12, 1976, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)

Chemist, scientific area: analytical chemistry.

•    Doctor Habilitate in Chemical Sciences (1953) 
•    Professor (1954) 
•    Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1961)
•    Full member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1965)


Academician Yuri Lealikov studied at the Institute of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in Dnepropetrovsk, which he graduated in 1932. He was the disciple of the illustrious scholars academician Pisarjevski L.V. and Professor Zanko A.M. Between 1932 and 1941 he worked at the Metallurgical Institute in Dneprodzerzhinsk as an assistant, lecturer, associate professor and head of the Department of Chemistry. After the evacuation of the institute to Magnitogorsk, he lectured at the local Technical University of Metallurgy (1941-1943), and between 1943 and 1952 he was head of the Department of Chemistry and dean of the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy of the Krivoy Rog Mining Institute (Ukraine). In 1952, Professor Lealikov settled in Chisinau and headed the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the State University in Chisinau, simultaneously holding the positions of dean of the Faculty of Chemistry (1952-1954) and vice-rector for science related issues of the university (1954-1957). Between 1958 and 1961 he was head of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, formed within the Moldovan Branch of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, and between 1961 and 1963 he was the general scientific secretary of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Academician Iurie Lealikov is considered the organizer and leader of research in the field of physico-chemical methods of analysis, founder of the scientific school of polarography in the Republic of Moldova. His scientific research is devoted to the development of methods of polarographic analysis, especially through the use of complexation processes. He initiated the application of polarography with noble metal electrodes in the electroanalytical study of platinum metals, which form compounds that can react with metallic mercury, making the use of the dripping mercury electrode inadmissible. Highlighting the behavior of platinum metals depending on the shape of the electrode, the nature of the metal, the reaction medium, the polarization potential and other factors, allowed the development of new methods for their dosage and synthesis of less common compounds with non-traditional properties. He has considerably expanded the fields of application of polarography, covering new materials, biologically active substances, components or ingredients of industrial food and wine products. He proposed an original method of compensation of residual current, which was implemented in many schemes of operation of polarographs, developed methods for analysis of semiconductor materials, traces of pesticides.

Academician Lealikov is the author of over 200 scientific papers, including 4 monographs and 4 textbooks:

  • Physical and chemical methods of analysis (1948, the manual has been republished in Russian 5 times and translated into Romanian, English, Polish, Chinese);
  • Analytical chemistry of semiconductors (1975, et al.);
  • Automation and mechanization of work in chemical - analytical laboratories (1976, et al.);
  • Chemistry in the national economy of Moldova (1976, et al.);
  • The person who “saw” the electrons (1978, about his mentor acad. L.V. Pisarjevski);
  • Chemistry during leisure hours (e editions: 1977, 1981, 1989) and others.

Under the guidance of academician Iurie Lealikov, 2 theses of doctor habilitate and 36 theses of doctor of chemical sciences were prepared and defended. Among the disciples and colleagues of academician Lealikov are Dr. Ion Vatamanu, Dr. Ludmila Chiriac, Dr. Iulia Sister, Ludmila Madan and many, many others. 

For his scientific results and professional qualities, academician Iurie Lealikov was decorated with the Order "Red Work Flag".

Ю.С. Ляликов (1909-1976). Cmpaнuцы жизни u mвopчecmвa. Сост. И. Baтaмаn и др. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1980.
Аблов A.B., Bлад П.Ф., Maдaн Л.Г. Достижения yчёныx Инcmumyma химии AH MCCP. Известия AH MCCP. Cepия биoл. и хим. нayк, 1974, № 4. 
Membrii Academiei de Științe a Moldovei: Dicționar (1961-2006). Chișinău: Știința, 2006, 432 p.
Batîr D. Neliniștea memoriei. Evoluția chimiei în Moldova și avatarurile vieții. Chișinău, 2007, 348 p.
Batîr D. Școala savantului Iurie Lealikov. Intellectus, 2006, nr. 2, p. 46-48. 
Систер Ю. Академик Юрий Сергеевич Ляликов. 
Систер Ю. Полярографическая школа академика Ю.С. Ляликова в Кишиневе.